Growth Continues for Rotomolder Converting Fiberglass Products to Polyethylene
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As times are changing and the corporate world wants to stretch every dollar, Granger Plastics is being sought out to convert fiberglass products into polyethylene. Polyethylene’s durability, long life span and superior molecular structure make the transition a logical choice for many equipment manufacturers and other companies. Granger Plastics has made many of these conversions to the great satisfaction of our customers demonstrating the company motto of “Solutions Beyond Expectations”.
One of the many products Granger has converted from fiberglass to polyethylene is a rear trailer cone for Precision Motor Transport Group, a World leader of hauling high end luxury vehicles and sports cars. This cone is placed on the back of car hauling equipment to defer rear impact away from the vehicles inside should an accident happen in transportation as well as offer protection from damage that may occur from road debris. The following is a testimonial as to how this conversion has performed in the field.
“Having introduced the world’s first all-polyethylene rear trailer ‘cone’ as the replacement for ‘cones’ that have historically been fiberglass, we are pleased to advise that the new PolyCone produced by Granger Plastics Company is performing well in the field: Better impact resistance, better scuff resistance and lower cost. When a PolyCone is dented in the field, we just push it back into its original shape and send our enclosed car hauling equipment back on the road. Damage to fiberglass has always required bodywork to repair. We are pleased with the results of our material conversion project with GPC.
Jim Prang, Director of Maintenance
Precision Motor Transport Group
Okemos, MI“
Other products being converted from fiberglass to polyethylene are tanks, housings, seats, carts, cargo containers and various other containers. Granger Plastics specializes in analyzing product conversion to determine if it is advantageous. Price, durability, maintenance and ease of repair make polyethylene products a cost effective and superior alternative to fiberglass for numerous applications.
Granger Plastics is a World leader in innovative rotationally molded products. Granger offers a full service facility including engineering services, mold shop, manufacturing, stock programs and order fulfillment. To learn more about Granger Plastics Company please visit
Granger Plastics can be FOUND here in MacRAE’s Blue Book!!!
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