Guest Blogging Best Practice Guidelines to Follow
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Content is an important component of a B2B marketing strategy. B2B decision makers are looking for as much information as possible about a company and its products or services. In addition, publishing quality content on the web coincides with SEO success by building inbound links and generating website traffic. Perhaps one of the best ways to publish content on a regular basis is to become an active business blogger. To take business blogging to the next level in order to maximize SEO potential and build awareness, it’s recommended to submit guest posts to other blogs in addition to blogging on your own web property. In order to get the most out of guest blogging and be considered a “good egg” within the blogging community, it’s important to follow these guest blogging guidelines:
Read the blog first
It takes time to write a blog post, so you want to make sure that the blog is a good fit for your area of expertise and your writing style. Is it a blog that your target audience members would actually visit? Take some time to read the blog and get a sense of its purpose and background before getting in touch with the blog owner to inquire about a guest posting opportunity.
Follow the guidelines
Guest blogging typically isn’t a free for all, so don’t expect that you can get whatever you’d like published. Bloggers typically outline certain guidelines that to submit a guest post must meet in order to be published. They may require guest posts to be about a certain topic, formatted a specific way, and be a certain length. Ignoring these guidelines can result in your guest post being sent to “Trash” instead of being published.
Avoid promotional speak
Remember, a blog post isn’t a press release. A guest blog post isn’t an appropriate place to pitch your company and write about how excellent your products and services are. Promotional posts will typically be ignored. Instead, a guest post should be informational and educational. Teach readers something new in order to be viewed as an industry expert.
Keep activities organized
If blogger outreach is part of your online marketing strategy, it’s important to keep things organized. Maintain and update a list of the places that you’d like to submit to, have submitted to, and links to published guest posts that you’ve created. Don’t make the mistake of inquiring about guest blogging opportunities to a blog that you’ve already contacted, or even worse, already written for.
Monitor published posts
Once you’ve been notified that a guest post that you’ve written was published, go back and check in on it to see if there are any comments. Sometimes the blog owner will alert you that there are comments, but other times they won’t. Even if it is not your blog, you don’t want to leave those that left comments hanging.
Maintain contact with blog owners
In addition to achieving more visibility for your brand, guest posting is a great way to network with other bloggers in your industry. If a blogger allows you to guest post, return the favor by allowing them to guest post on your blog or by sharing their content in social media.
About the Author: Nick Stamoulis is the President and Founder of Brick Marketing, an SEO services firm. For more information please call 781-999-1222 or visit
Brick Marketing is an advertiser in and one of our guest bloggers!
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