How Conveyor Guarding Can Add Safety to Industrial Operations

A conveyor system helps move items around your facility, but you will want to keep it safe. You can find conveyors in nearly every area, from malls to airports to industrial sites. There are many different sizes available, but you will want to ensure that you keep everyone safe when doing these operations. You should understand the basic requirements for keeping everyone safe. The suitable machine guarding in Ontario can help you do that.

Picking the Right Machine Guarding Systems

Choosing the right guarding conveyor system might be difficult since it is often hard to access the conveyor’s moving parts effectively. Still, it is possible to guard all aspects of the system. You might want to install guards around rollers, sprockets, chains, and belts. In general, try to ensure guarding of the moving parts. You might want to move the dangerous parts away from the employees to stop contact with the hazardous components.

It is also essential to add lights and warning signs to tell your workers that the conveyor is operating. It might not be possible to install the proper guarding devices in some areas since they can interfere with the conveyor’s operations.

It is also best to add guards to all the chutes and openings when you are not using the machine. Plus, you will want to guard the start button to prevent it from turning on. It is best to ensure that the power sources and controls can take lockout devices to maintain them.

You should also ensure that the aisles and accesses that move under or over have enough handrails and clearance, as well as other guards. You might try placing crossovers in places where your employees are likely to be able to use them. Plus, it would be best if you protected the ceilings of all underpasses.

Make sure that you have the proper warning signs in the aisles and crossovers. When determining where to place the passageways and crossovers, consider emergency egress.

It is also essential to equip your conveyors with devices to shut them off during mechanical or electrical overload. When arranging your conveyors as a series, make sure that the others also shut off when one stops. You will want to place emergency stop controls on your conveyors. They should require manual, not automatic, resetting before you can get back to your operations. Install clearly labelled stop buttons that you can easily reach.

Choose the Best Machine Guarding in Ontario

When it comes to keeping your workers safe, it is important to pick suitable industrial machine guarding. That way, you can have peace of mind that you are meeting the requirements.

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