Implementing the Best Sales Techniques for Doctors

There’s a right way and a wrong way to target B2B sales to doctors. The wrong way is bombarding a doctor with emails trying to get their attention. All that does is illustrate you don’t know much about the doctor’s needs and that you’re doing what a poor sales rep usually does: spamming potential prospects with the hope one will bite.  If you’re focused on implementing the best sales techniques to reach doctors, make sure you subscribe to a doctors’ directory. There’s a right way and a wrong way to target B2B sales to doctors. The wrong way is bombarding a doctor with emails trying to get their attention. All that does is illustrate you don’t know much about the doctor’s needs and that you’re doing what a poor sales rep usually does: spamming potential prospects with the hope one will bite.  If you’re focused on implementing the best sales techniques to reach doctors, make sure you subscribe to a doctors’ directory.

MD Select is Your Secret Weapon to Win Over Doctors with B2B Sales

The “spray and pray” selling technique is a vestige of 20th century sales attitudes. It reflected the belief that quantity was better than quality when it came to prospecting, leads, and ultimately sales.  In today’s highly personalized, data-driven economy, cold calls are a quick way to turn a hot lead cold.  Cold calls on average result in a sale less than three percent of the time. That’s a lot of effort to be putting into a tactic that yields such low results. If you’re targeting medical professionals in British Columbia, you need a BC doctor directory; if Alberta is the target, you need the Alberta doctor directory. In truth, for targeting doctors, physicians, and nurse practitioners, you need MD Select.  It really is a secret weapon when it comes to developing the best technique to reach doctors, and here’s why.

Doctors are a well-informed bunch – it’s wired into their DNA. Before a doctor agrees to meet with a B2B sales rep to discuss products and/or services, a savvy doctor has already done the research, investing time to learn about the options available. For you to go into a meeting with a doctor without knowing much about his or her skills, position, education, or medical specialty is folly. If you haven’t demonstrated to a doctor that you have done your research into their needs, then you’re dead in the water. There’s no chance you’re going to make a sale. However, by searching and targeting and learning and discovering all the information available in MD Select’s doctor directory, you can go into a meeting well-armed with information.  MD Select has information on over 91,000 medical professionals, including the following:

  • Name, address, fax and phone number, and gender
  • Graduating university, country and year of graduation, degrees, and fellowships
  • Medical interests, specialties, and sub-specialties
  • Industrial / Hospital / University Appointment details
  • Primary and secondary languages spoken

This is information relevant to the sales process, and critical to incorporate into your sales proposal. Knowing in advance all the important information on a doctor, you can quickly diagnosis the solution to his or her problem. Think about it: your doctor knows a ton of information on you before you walk into the office. Knowing a great deal of information on the doctor is instrumental in developing a good relationship and advancing your B2B sales agenda. The doctors’ directory helps you target with laser-sharp precision. You don’t have to sell to every doctor – just the ones that make sense for your product. Learn more.

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