Resolving the Common Issues of Cylinder Heads
- 616 Views Business
- Chrystal Bell-Smyth
Cylinder heads are an important part of the ship’s engine. As such, it needs to be in good working condition for the engine to run smoothly. However, they may be subject to problems that have serious consequences. Here are some of the most common issues with cylinder heads, as well as suggested solutions. Cylinder head rebuild services can help address many of these issues.
Fuel Rack Stuck
This is one of the most common problems with cylinder heads. A stuck fuel rack leads to a lack of fuel supply in the engine. This can cause the engine RPM to fluctuate or the engine not start at all. To remedy this, properly lubricate and grease all the mechanical links of the fuel rack.
Fuel Valve Malfunctioning
If the engine runs on diesel oil, there is a higher risk of pump seal failure. Also, poor fuel treatment and inconsistent fuel temperature can lead to cracks and leakages.
If there is a one-degree difference in temperature, check the fuel valve. Valve grinding services can repair fuel valves according to PMS guidelines.
Starting Air Valve Leakage
If the starting air valve is leaking, hot gases will go back to the engine. This can cause an explosion if an oil film is present. Explosions are rare nowadays because of modern safety features. However, one still cannot overlook the possibility.
A solution to this is to check the temperature manually during maneuvering. This problem is more likely to occur when the engine starts frequently and not when it’s running continuously.
Malfunctioning Alarms and Sensors
Sensors in the main engine measure and transmit information to the alarm console. Heat, humidity, and vibrations can all cause these sensors to fail. Periodically, check all sensors and alarms. Regularly test main engine safety alarms and fix any faults immediately.
Malfunctioning Gauges
Parameter gauges should be on all the major engine systems. Also, it is usually preferable to take local rather than remote readings. Loose components and connections, as well as engine vibration, can all contribute to gauge failure. As soon as possible, replace the faulty parameter gauges with new ones. Cylinder head rebuild services can help place these gauges securely.
Air Distributor Stuck
The air distributor is responsible for supplying air to the engine cylinders. If it malfunctions, the main engine will not start. This is because there will be no air present in the cylinders to start fuel combustion.
Inspect and lubricate the air distributor when not running. Many engines have their air distributor located at the end, accessible via inspection covers.
Find Dependable Cylinder Head Rebuild Services
When seeking marine diesel engine repair, it’s important to choose a reputable company with good service history. We have more than 20 years of experience providing high-quality and cost-effective services. Contact us today, and we’ll be happy to help you out.
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