Washington Mills: DURALUM AB- Tiny Bubbles Can Save You Big Energy
- 652 Views Business
- Laura Hamberg
Washington Mills manufactures hollow insulating spheres, otherwise known as alumina bubbles, made from high-purity alumina. Alumina bubbles act as a versatile and lightweight refractory mineral. Alumina bubble’s unique structure makes it an excellent insulating material that has low thermal conductivity and can withstand exceptionally high temperatures. Bubble alumina’s superior insulating properties will keep an outer shell cooler or help a kiln maintain a steady temperature. The alumina bubbles do an excellent job of insulating and keeping the heat inside of the furnace. The better your refractory is insulated, the more energy you will save, and the more money you will save.
For more information on how Washington Mills’ bubble alumina, DURALUM AB, can save you big energy, please contact Washington Mills today at info@washingtonmills.com or 800-828-1666.
About Washington Mills
Established in 1868, Washington Mills has been manufacturing high quality abrasives and fused minerals for over 140 years later. The refractory raw materials we manufacture serve hundreds of refractory customers around the world. We carefully select the raw materials we use to make our products and our in house laboratory tests all of our products during and after production to ensure our products meet the highest quality standards.
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